Sunday, January 16, 2011

Want to have me fix your deck? Now you can!

So now that I am back I figure I can do this. Just send me your deck (or post it in the comments, don't worry, they have to have me approve them first) and when I get the chance I will fix the deck!

Go Five-0

And still no voice actor's being used, Yusei's could easily have one!

In a mirror, darkly.

Deck used: Dragunity (pre Legion)

Round 1: Machina Gadget
Game 1: Lose
Game 2: Lose due to a topdeck.

Round 2: Chain Burn
Game 1: Get burned to death by Chain Burn
Game 2: I hate ceasefire

Round 3: No Show
Win easily due to them not playing and still not dropping

Round 4: Random Deck
Game 1: Win
Game 2:Win with style

Round 5:
Game 1: They double herk, I sadface
Game 2: Win due to compolsury.
Game 3: They misplay too much and I win by showing them how certain cards work in certain ways (they allegedly were not thinking straight)

I get 13th

Sadface :(

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I can fail so easily.

Went to buy a pack of Player's choice sleeves, got them, sleeved my deck, and then realized I got the MTG ones :(

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Chaos Beyond : Test Hands

Hand: Cold Wave, Mystic Tomato, Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter, Debris Dragon, Debris Dragon
Draw: Torrential Tribute

Assuming this is against an opponent you have never played, and the first turn of the first game of the match, It would most likely be best to set Tomato. Why? Because it will allow you to be able to control the fact your opponent has no clue what you are playing. Then next turn you can use Debris Dragon plus Sangan for a Blackrose if they over extend, or even set a ryko, which will make them think it is another tomato.

Any other time set Ryko and Torrential

Test Hand #2
Hand: Dark Hole, Tragoedia, Card Trooper, Pot of Avarice, Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
Draw: Charge of the Light Brigade

This is a tough hand to figure out, you are likely to mill 3 cards no matter what by your opponents next turn. Play Charge and they know you use Rykos and that is what you most likely set, use card trooper to mill three (risking milling both remaining rykos and making Charge dead) and drawing one, but possibly being able to go into Armory Arm.  Setting Ryko has the same weakness of Card Trooper  except you will destroy instead of drawing. Using Charge and then one of those has the same risks.

Next 6 Cards (In order):
Limit Reverse
Dark Armed Dragon ( :( )
Debris Dragon
Snowman Eater (Good!
Giant Trunade (:( )

So if you played charge and then set a ryko or summoned Card Trooper, good job!

If you only used Ryko, ouch.

Remember luck did play a key part in this hand.

The next draw would have been Spore, so :) with Chaos Sorcerer following so hopefully you didn't play charge and ryko/card trooper, and then set the second ryko or summoned the second card trooper.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

To re-play through Reverse of Arcadia - Thus the Daily Duel begins.

Deck Used: Temp. Deck
Opponent: Okita
Opening Hand: Genex Controller, Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter, Genex Turbine, Mystic Wok, Krebons
MT1: Draw Power Invader. Set Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter [Ryko] and Mystic Wok.
OT1: They actiate Golden Ladybug in Standby, gaining 500 life [Me: 8000 Them: 8500]. They then play Soul of the Pure, gaining 800 life [Me: 8000 Them: 9300]. They then proceed to play Blue Medicene [[Me: 8000 (Glitched) Them: 9800]. {This would indicate they engine playing costly cards, so I should keep an eye out for those} They activate Domino Effect. Then Different Dimension Capsule { Now I am starting to realize that the early AI has no clue about card advantage, or bluffing. I start to believe they are going to not have a single monster}. They set a monster and end.
MT2: I draw Old Vindictive Magician, and decide to flip Ryko to kill the capsule. I proceed to summon Genex Controller, to tune the two together for Magical Android, who I proceed to attack with, killing Torike {I start to realize I should have not attacked to try to go into Power Invader quicker, but oh well.} I end turn gaining 600 life (Android) [Me: 8600 Them: 9800]
OT2: The use Golden Ladybug's effect, gaining 500 life  [Me: 8600 Them: 10200]. They set a monster and end.
MT3: I draw Genex Neutron, someone Krebons, Android attacks F/D who is a Golden Ladybug, Krebons attacks. I end gaining 1200 from Android.  [Me: 9800 Them: 9000]
OT3: They set a F/D monster.
MT4: I draw tomato, summon Neutron who attacks the face down. I destroy it and end, gaining 1200  [Me: 11000 Them: 6600]
OT4: They set after drawing.
MT5: Draw Magic Jammer, summon Genex Turbine, attack with Krebons into the healing mirror, and attack with the rest after that. ENd[Me: 11800 Them: 2000]
OT5: They set a S/T.
MT6: Draw T-Roar, attack for game.


This is my new blog, after realizing not everyone probably understood what the old URL meant (and I am considering adding additional writers), so here is the new Blog!

All of my old posts will be still available on the old blog, which I will add a link to somewhere.
I will continue all article series I recently started as well as make new ones.