Hand: Cold Wave, Mystic Tomato, Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter, Debris Dragon, Debris Dragon
Draw: Torrential Tribute
Assuming this is against an opponent you have never played, and the first turn of the first game of the match, It would most likely be best to set Tomato. Why? Because it will allow you to be able to control the fact your opponent has no clue what you are playing. Then next turn you can use Debris Dragon plus Sangan for a Blackrose if they over extend, or even set a ryko, which will make them think it is another tomato.
Any other time set Ryko and Torrential
Test Hand #2
Hand: Dark Hole, Tragoedia, Card Trooper, Pot of Avarice, Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
Draw: Charge of the Light Brigade
This is a tough hand to figure out, you are likely to mill 3 cards no matter what by your opponents next turn. Play Charge and they know you use Rykos and that is what you most likely set, use card trooper to mill three (risking milling both remaining rykos and making Charge dead) and drawing one, but possibly being able to go into Armory Arm. Setting Ryko has the same weakness of Card Trooper except you will destroy instead of drawing. Using Charge and then one of those has the same risks.
Next 6 Cards (In order):
Limit Reverse
Dark Armed Dragon ( :( )
Debris Dragon
Snowman Eater (Good!
Giant Trunade (:( )
So if you played charge and then set a ryko or summoned Card Trooper, good job!
If you only used Ryko, ouch.
Remember luck did play a key part in this hand.
The next draw would have been Spore, so :) with Chaos Sorcerer following so hopefully you didn't play charge and ryko/card trooper, and then set the second ryko or summoned the second card trooper.
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