Opponent: Okita
Opening Hand: Genex Controller, Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter, Genex Turbine, Mystic Wok, Krebons
MT1: Draw Power Invader. Set Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter [Ryko] and Mystic Wok.
OT1: They actiate Golden Ladybug in Standby, gaining 500 life [Me: 8000 Them: 8500]. They then play Soul of the Pure, gaining 800 life [Me: 8000 Them: 9300]. They then proceed to play Blue Medicene [[Me: 8000 (Glitched) Them: 9800]. {This would indicate they engine playing costly cards, so I should keep an eye out for those} They activate Domino Effect. Then Different Dimension Capsule { Now I am starting to realize that the early AI has no clue about card advantage, or bluffing. I start to believe they are going to not have a single monster}. They set a monster and end.
MT2: I draw Old Vindictive Magician, and decide to flip Ryko to kill the capsule. I proceed to summon Genex Controller, to tune the two together for Magical Android, who I proceed to attack with, killing Torike {I start to realize I should have not attacked to try to go into Power Invader quicker, but oh well.} I end turn gaining 600 life (Android) [Me: 8600 Them: 9800]
OT2: The use Golden Ladybug's effect, gaining 500 life [Me: 8600 Them: 10200]. They set a monster and end.
MT3: I draw Genex Neutron, someone Krebons, Android attacks F/D who is a Golden Ladybug, Krebons attacks. I end gaining 1200 from Android. [Me: 9800 Them: 9000]
OT3: They set a F/D monster.
MT4: I draw tomato, summon Neutron who attacks the face down. I destroy it and end, gaining 1200 [Me: 11000 Them: 6600]
OT4: They set after drawing.
MT5: Draw Magic Jammer, summon Genex Turbine, attack with Krebons into the healing mirror, and attack with the rest after that. ENd[Me: 11800 Them: 2000]
OT5: They set a S/T.
MT6: Draw T-Roar, attack for game.
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